A brand with great "thumb-stopping" content is the well-known Starbucks brand. Starbucks is a famous coffee company that has an active and highly followed Instagram account. On their Instagram page, Starbucks tends to post many different pictures of either the drinks themselves, their employees, and much more. What makes their content "thumb-stopping" is how aesthetically pleasing the images they post are.

Many of their drinks are showcased with colorful backgrounds that tend to stand out on the Instagram feed. As shown in this image above, you can see the bright golden flakes in the background making this image stand out with how bright the golden colors are. This notion of standing out from other images help the content be "thumb-stopping".

In addition to the colorful backgrounds, Starbucks also achieves "thumb-stopping" content by conveying a warm and cozy feeling through images. Starbucks most notably posts these types of images during the holiday season, when cozy and warm content thrives. Again, these images are aesthetically pleasing and they make people stop and view them on their feed.

Starbucks doesn't only post this warm and cozy content in relation to the holiday season, but they also post it throughout the whole year. Shown above is an image of a dog snuggling against a Starbucks cup. Starbucks uploaded this image and captioned it "Us before, during and after coffee. ☕🐶📷" to make the image relatable. Pictures of puppies and dogs are popular on social media, so Starbucks uploading this to their Instagram page makes it "thumb-stopping". Also, this snuggly dog does indeed convey the cozy feeling mentioned.