As I reflect on this course overall, I think about how fun and engaging it all was. It is quite sad to think about the fact that we came to a close, but I am overall glad I took this course. I learnt many skills, concepts, and tools all in relation to social media and its managing. I am a corporate communications major with a minor in advertising, meaning that much of what I learn I will be sure to apply in my career and life.
At first, one may think that since we are social media users, we know enough about it already. Truth be told, this is far from right. I actually was surprised by how much I did not realize I did not know about social media, much less managing it and building a career of it. I learned about entrusting websites such as Hootsuite, and just how much work is put into content creating and tracking on social media.
I truly don't think I would have been able to teach myself this much alone. Both the structure and the content of this course was so richly taught. I greatly appreciated all the flexibility and the fact that there were no exams. This course genuinely felt worth while and I seem to learn the best without the pressure of "studying for an exam/quiz". Not to mention, the content taught was also great. We touched on many topics related to social media, and I felt that all questions I had were truly answered.
My personal favorite things about this course, were the book reports and the blog posts. I really enjoyed the book reports because of the flexility in having us choose the book we report on. It also pushed me to both investigate what books are written about social media, and actually take the time to read them.
When it came to the blog posts, I enjoyed having the space to both reflect and put into practice what I learned with real world examples. I never before had own or written a blog, but now I feel like an expert at it. Not to mention, its fun and a great method of practice.
All in all, I will miss this course. It is always sad to think about things as an "end", but truly its just the beginning. I know I will implement what I learned in this course because they were actual valuable lessons and tips. I am excited to see how my career grows on social media and how it will be related to social media. Thank you professor for such a great semester!