I have noticed that the social media platform in which I received the most ads that I am more likely to pay attention to, notably comes from Instagram. Instagram has the advantage of people able to receive accurate data from me to send me targeted ads. This comes from both the content I interact with and view, along with the pages I follow and my search history.
Aside from Instagram ads being the ones I pay attention to the most, I also noticed the type of ads that catch my attention. I am more likely to pay attention to an ad that does not look or feel like an ad. In other words, if the advertisement at first glance looks like a regular user Instagram post, I will be more likely to pay attention to it.
The reasoning behind this is that I normally would not notice at first glance that what I am viewing is actually an ad. For example, I follow and interact with lots of beauty brands on Instagram, meaning that I receive quite a few makeups related ads. I am more likely to pay attention to ads that promote make-up items in a natural way, such as with a model or influencer using the product, or a quick tutorial on it. On the other hand, ads that are clearly taken at a studio and are very staged won't receive my attention quite as often because I grew accustomed to ignoring what is quite obviously an ad.
Once I noticed this about me, it became interesting comparing these two types of ads on my Instagram homepage. All in all, these are the types of ads that get my attention.